Failure is a Bruise, not a tattoo, and Bruise heals with time…
Failure is a Bruise, not a tattoo, and Bruise heals with time....A perfect example is the failure of the biggest soft drinks house, Coke...
Connection between Management Dilemma and Management Problem
Connection between Management Dilemma and Management ProblemA Professor want to shoot a video and then upload as a video cast his classes to the...
Innovative Agricultural Startups
Agriculture is more of a ‘way of life’ in India than a ‘mode of life’. Agriculture, which is regarded as the country's soul, employs...
Scientific significance of cow urine
Gomutra or Cow urine has a special significance in Indian tradition. cow urine is said to have a spiritual cleansing effect as well. cow...
Digitizing the Fields: Harnessing the Potential of Information Technology in Agriculture
A decade ago, it was thought that information technology and agriculture didn't go together, but things have changed. Agriculture is becoming widely integrated with...
Meaning of “X Æ A-12” (Elon Musk’s 6th Child’s Name)
On 5th May 2020, Elon Musk's girlfriend Grimes gave birth to a child & A twitter used asked something special from Tesla Co-Founder and...