Wake up call

People committing suicide has become quite common in our society these days because they think it is the only way to get out.  But no, it isn’t.  Hardly it is pretty difficult to imagine what led our friend, our family member or an unknown celebrity to commit suicide. It is heartbreaking that  India reports the highest suicide rate in the south-east Asia region.16.5 suiciders per 100,000 people in the year 2016 is quite shocking.

Recently the death of the talented rising star of Bollywood industry, heartthrob actor, Sushant Singh Rajput was a shock to the entire country.

What makes a person to end up his blessed life? Sometimes the societal pressure, over expectations, lack of support and recognition may all be the reasons. At times, we see people coming out of this and being applauded. But its bitter truth that many a time, people facing these problems end up in a depressed and unhappy living which provokes them about their existence in this world.

“किसी के जाने के बाद सब बड़े बड़े अच्छे अच्छे बोलते हैं, नज़्म, शेर, गीत लिखते हैं

वो कैसे सुनेंगे!

जिंदगी रहते ही बोल दीजिए। क्या पता किस मर्ज की दवा मिल जाए उसे?”

Are we doing anything to fix it up? At least in case of our dear ones. Absolutely nothing!

Have you ever given an ear to your fellow being? If anyone is mentally sick and suffers depression you just label them crazy!

If someone doesn’t have a kid, we torture them every single day by asking them when we will hear the good news. Its nothing more than interfering with personal space. If somebody is being cheated upon, we keep on criticizing for choosing that path. If anyone fails in an exam or faces a decline in career, our judgemental society taunts them and label them the most useless person!

Do you think your judgment and interference is helping anyone out?

Please try to be kind to everyone going through a hard phase of their life. Reach out to the people suffering from depression. A hug, a smile, small talk can make a huge difference. Raise them to talk up, make them feel that seeking help is not a matter of disgust.

Someone may be strong today but he/she will also have a weak moment! If anyone passes through a horrible thought then talk about it. Don’t underestimate the power of sharing your concerns with your trustworthy friends or a family member.

Actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death should be a wake-up call for everyone. People with poor mental health issues need more help and care and should be addressed.

Let’s pass a hand of care and love to the deserved ones. Remember, at least one is waiting for your text, a call or an act of love!!



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