The consumer isn’t a moron. She is your wife

The consumer isn’t a moron. She is your wife

           “What you say in advertising is more important than how you say it”, is what the father said from whom I learned the art of advertising. The art of harnessing the power of words and doing wonders with those powers is why advertisement is there for in the first place. You cannot sell just anything to everyone, it is not that a cakewalk but a thorny walk but if otherwise you think you can sell just anything for that sake, you need to play your cards right and know how to use it for the game when it comes to be. Advertising, as much as an art you think, it is as much of it too, but then again it is to be precise and accurate. The power of good advertisement is humongous if it brings in just the right amount of cheeziness and solid material to make it possible to sell the product even without drawing attention to it. But it is possible only if you believe in the product too. With these two at hand and played right, it is definite to skyrocket your product from zilch to then achieved summit. Innumerous times as it has been proved that good advertisement is the pavement of showing the real assets and what wonderful delights are in stores for the next big bewildering thing that will happen.

                                                                                                                        Shubham Kondal


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