12th of August, since 1999, is being commemorated as, “International youth Day”. But before we delve deep into this, let us dive towards the importance of International Days. These days are meant to educate public and bring their attention on certain issues of concern that are of dire importance in our society. In reality, these days acts as a powerful advocacy tool to celebrate and remember the achievements of the Humanity. In a society, it is equally significant to remind Youth of their responsibility and to channelize their knowledge and enthusiasm for better development of world. Therefore, after the recommendation made by world conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth (Lisbon, 8-12 August 1998), the UN General Assembly declared the International Youth Day to be celebrated on 12th August each year. This day was recommended to bring youth to fore and encourage them for their active participation in the development of the society. Every year a theme is decided to remark this day, and this year theme being, “Youth engagement for global action”. 

Today’s youth is considered as cornerstone of tomorrow’s society. They are the asset of the society. Albeit, role and participation of Youth may change from time to time, they always have to play a significant role in society as essential leaders. Onus is upon the youth of today’s time to successfully achieve the Sustainable Development goals, to prevent conflicts and ensure peace and most importantly to rebuild the trust of people in fair political institutions. Especially in the time of crises like COVID- 19 and climate change role of youth is very important where the potential of youth is to be demonstrated to the world, where they have to show way to manage and lead out of such crises.

Actually, youth of today is marking footprints by actively participating and epitomizing the involvement of youth. Malala Yousafzai is one of the most important youth who worked for the peace development in the world. Similarly, Greta Thunberg, showed how the tenacious effort of the youth can bring the issues of concern to lime light. There are many more examples where youth have been capable to drive the political will and resources to the global problems at world level platform.

Global action of youth at myriads of level is the need of hour to revamp the faith of public in the political institutions, to subside the conflicts and develop the peaceful world for all. As a youth it is our responsibility to understand and actively participate in mitigating various issues in the world like climate change and global peace that are elephant in the room and demand our attention today. It is rightly said by someone that “rather than standing or speaking for children, we need to stand with children speaking for themselves”. Educating the youth and nurturing their mind set today will automatically lead to the better world tomorrow. This has been perfectly stated by, Mahatma Gandhi –

            “If we are to reach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with children.”


  1. Great indeed…I understand that you have done a commendable effort to prepare this draft… congratulations and all the best..


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