How “farmers fight in lockdown”.

                  Can anyone tell me, what is agriculture? Its simple to say that it’s a science and art of cultivating the soil. But the real story of farming land will be understood by the peasants. The restless efforts of farmers in the land will teach you the saga.

       When this coronavirus knocked the doors of the western part of the world, they didn’t take any decision to get rid of the virus. The virus had shown different faces in different parts of the world.       It made them

suffer a lot. Its wave was about to reach the Bay of Bengal in early March. But as a precautionary measure, our PMMrNarendra Modi had proclaimed the nationwide lockdown for 21 days.

A consequence of lockdown was, there was no human movement in the country. The whole country halts in a single day. Transportation, IT, Schools, colleges were stopped at the instance.

This lockdown impacts on all the industries in the country, Irrespective of sectors. The major exports of the go

ods were stopped at the point, no matter where there were.

  Indian population is dwelling in rural areas. Massive population relies on agriculture. As a part of farmers activity, most of the crops were yet to be harvested and most of the perishable crops were directed to market. But due to the nationwide lockdown, the farmer’s loose the market. They have dumped the large produce in the roads. Most of the farmers didn’t show an interest to harvest the crops itself.

In some parts of the country, the Farmers bounced back with a comparative decision like taking combine harvester for harvesting wheat and maize crops.

    FPOs come forward to purchase the goods directly from the farmer’s fields.Fruits and vegetables were selling directly to the consumers in the streets of the villages.  Some of the big farmers helped in the procurement of small farmers.Coastal parts of India manage to sell the harvesting fish at half price.

      The interesting point was when farmers had the labours crisis to carry out the field operation, the city immigrants helped farmers in harvesting vegetables. The incidence was witnessed in the Kolar district of Karnataka. The family was heading towards the field to the harvesting of tomatoes.

       Instead of metro cities, Farmers have sold theirs produces within the Districts.

 Tonnes of tomatoes were used for pickle making, the result of this more than 50 rural families got employment.

 Some of the growers took one step forward to freely distribute the fruits and vegetables in the village areas to help the needy one.

 Having done this once again the farmers have shown the upper hand in the critical condition. People realized that anything can halts in the world if agriculture stops the entire human nature will succumb to suffer to a greater extent.  Farmers are receiving respect from nationwide. Big gratitude to the whole farming community who are serving during this unprecedented situation.


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