Green Supply Chain

Environmental challenges have been rampant and are escalating like an epidemic in recent decades. In the COP 26 summit held recently in Glasgow, Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has pledged to cut emissions by one billion tonnes by 2030, raise the share of renewables in the energy mix to 50%, and achieve the target of ‘net zero’ carbon emission by the year 2070. One of the environmental challenges the world is facing today is the wastage of food. Before or after it reaches customers, up to half of all food produced is lost or wasted. The green supply chain idea is used to reduce environmental deterioration and pollution of air, water, and waste by incorporating green practices into a company’s operations.

Green supply chains are logistical frameworks that ensure the environmentally friendly manufacturing and distribution of items around the world. Green idea’s primary ideology is to improve environmental sustainability, however, businesses use the green concept to “kill two adversaries with one bullet.” The role of the green supply chain is to integrate sustainability into the regular supply chain.

An “Olympic” green supply chain would eliminate waste throughout the product’s life cycle, including shipping, usage, and end-of-life. The “Olympic” green supply chain concept requires that harmful substances be avoided throughout drilling and production operations. Processes such as supplier selection and material procurement, product design, product manufacture and assembly, distribution, and end-of-life management are all part of the green supply chain. Rather than reducing the negative impact of businesses and supply chain activities, a green supply chain adds value and/or creates value throughout the entire chain. Integrating environmental considerations into supply chain management, such as ecological product design, procuring green materials and components, reengineering the production steps to be more environmentally friendly, and product reverse logistics management after its useful life. India, like many other countries, is working towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals and is moving towards a green supply chain. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is the adoption of processes that are sustainable and effective in minimizing the ecological adversaries humans inflict. In the wake of the Coronavirus lockdown, India’s supply chain, like those all over the world, has been severely affected. With nations in lockdown, businesses have taken a hit, and economic growth has been deeply affected.  As the outbreak changes the way people and businesses operate, the need to become more conscious environmentally and prefer green alternatives wherever possible becomes very important.  The future for the green supply chain looks promising. Indeed “Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.” 


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