Environment is changing, why not we

Well, a few days back we celebrated ‘World Environment Day’. Some posted messages in their story. Some of us planted a tree again this year and of course, posted a picture. While, some people criticized the government for not taking any action for saving nature. Now let’s have a look at the clearer picture.

Talking about the current situation, this time we produced 15,620,785,135 tonnes of carbon. The result is global warming increase, affecting humans, animals, and also marine life. The problem of smog in winters is an aftermath of Carbon. Moreover, a mature growing tree consumes 10-12kg of carbon dioxide in a year. Amazon, the World’s largest Tropical Rainforest absorbs a vast amount of greenhouse gases. Scientists say its preservation is a vital issue. Sadly, this year, from January to April, deforestation in Amazon increased by 55%. Will the control be possible? Further, species extinction, river depletion, an outbreak of new diseases is a common issue. This year, the world faced earthquakes, floods, super cyclones, extreme forest fires, and locust infestation.

Let’s recall a simple definition ‘Polythene is a polymer that doesn’t degrade itself in the environment and causes pollution’. We all know this, but do we all follow? Because of COVID-19, plastic gloves and masks litter the world. Recently, a turtle died after eating 104 pieces of plastic in Florida. 90% of all birds and fish are thought to have plastic in their stomach. Further, an estimated 12.7 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean each year.

Environment not only means habitat and surroundings but, includes animals as well. Yes! Here we are talking about the inhuman act towards an elephant. A cracker that cracked the headlines! Such incidents are not new. We witness such activities in day to day life like slaughtering for food and clothing; animal abuse for entertainment, testing and research.

Then, starts the blame game. “Government needs to impose some laws. Then only something can happen.” Yes, there are some responsibilities of the government which they must work upon. But, aren’t we equally responsible? We live on this planet, use resources, breathe the same air. Moreover, today all the information is available on our fingertips. Living in a digital world, we have plenty of platforms. We have the power to discuss issues, share knowledge, make anything a trend. So, why wait for the government to do something, why not take the charge?

Well, nature bloomed and recovered in the last 3 months. We stayed locked in our homes, animals and birds were free, the air felt clean, the world seemed a happy place. It was “Nature’s therapy” from the years of burden and stress. Now, as the world reopens, humans are out of the cage. Sadly, the end of nature’s healing and its time to go back in its cage. Or, maybe not! We can change! We must find a way to rethink, innovate, and redo so that when we get back to “normal” we don’t bring any environment pollution with it. Let’s take time to reflect on what aspects of society we really want back to normal. Pollution? Unnecessary single-use products? Unsustainable consumption and urban sprawl? We have a chance to change our habit. So, let’s choose to build back better! Let’s focus on measures that improve public health and combat climate change.


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