We are living in an era where money matters more than humanity, where trust and honesty are rare, cruelty and cunningness is everywhere, where shooting the video of an accident matter than saving a life, where posting a story in the social media matters than helping, where texting is preferred over talking, where internet is connecting people and people are disconnecting love and affection,where people prefer artificial over natural, where people prefer sarcasm over happiness.

Recently George Floyd, 46 aged an African-American man was killed by a white policeman Mr Chauvin in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For a mistake he made, he was handcuffed and was manhandled. Mr Floyd was restrained by officers, while Mr Chauvin placed his knee between his neck and head. The other three police officers simply watched it and scolded people who were shooting. “I can’t breathe, “Mr Floyd said repeatedly, pleading and begging for his life. But the officer did not move his knees and Floyd lost his life under the officer’s knee. This incident has led to severe protests in the United States, where people are protesting day and night for the justice in masses even in this pandemic without bothering about their health. We may think that racism is not there in India as we all are brown but what about casteism? Even though we say India is secular how many of us follow secularism? Won’t you distinguish anyone based on their caste?

As the above case still alive high in the minds of people, one more incident took place in India but the victim here was a pregnant elephant. In Kerala’s silent valley forest a pregnant wild elephant was fed with pineapple filled with cracker by local men. It exploded in her mouth when she chomped on it, her jaw was broken and she was unable to chew anything. She died out of pain in standing water doing nothing.

The above two incidents are just examples showing how cruel people are. There are still more incidents which occur daily but no one notice, or even after noticing we won’t act, we choose to ignore. Instead of blaming on others let us evaluate ourselves. How often we feed hungry animal and birds? How many times do we keep water for thirsty birds? How many of us feed hungry ones without posting on social media? Are we never bothered about the caste of our surrounding people? Won’t we distinguish our friends based on the money they have?            Let’s evaluate and rate ourselves, after all at the end of the day “humanity do matters”.


  1. beautifully written!when we do understand empathy over sympathy, life becomes easy and meaningful. Let us all not forget the humanity and bring a ray of hope each day.


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