Data Visualization

                     Data Visualization

In this digitalized era, data collection, data storage and access to this big data have become a very easier task and this ease of managing big data have become the driving force of technological changes happening across all the industries.
The data can be used as a magic wand but only if you know how to use it, else it is just a liability. This magic wand is the data visualization. Data visualization is presenting data in the most effective way in a pictorial or graphical format.
Data visualization helps decision makers to see analyzed data presented visually which enables them to grasp difficult concepts and to gain insights most effectively. Data visualization tools have evolved rapidly which offers increasingly engaging and intuitive channels of communication.
Some of the best, most popular or most innovative data visualization tools available today are:
With a customer base of more than 57,000 accounts across various industries, the tableau is considered as one of the best data visualization software due to its simplicity of use and ability to produce an interactive visualization.
QlikView offers powerful business intelligence, analytics and enterprise reporting capabilities accompanied by the clean and clutter-free user interface.
This is JavaScript-based charting and visualization package that has established itself as one of the leaders in the paid-for market. With the ability to create 90 different chart types and integrates with a large number of platforms and frameworks it offers a great deal of flexibility.
Microsoft Excel:
Excel provides data visualization facility through charts, data bars, sparklines, and conditional formatting. These can be used to great effect when creating graphical representations of data in a worksheet.

                                                                                                                        Deepak Khurana


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