Harvesting the Benefits of Social Media for Agriculture


Social media, which allows users to construct audio and video communities and networks, enables the interchange of knowledge, thoughts, and information; computer skills are necessary to use it. Social media refers to web-based programs and communication tools that let users connect, share, and convey ideas; this enables users to instantly access electronic content.

Since social media can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and by anybody on the planet, it has a greater impact than just connecting people and sharing information. As a result, there are more than 3 billion active social media users worldwide. social media has a significant impact on Education, entertainment, banking, agriculture, healthcare, transportation, and other sectors; nevertheless, in all of these sectors, agriculture benefits the most from it.

Social media provides farmers with access to knowledge, information, and ideas, as well as the chance to connect with real specialists like scientists, agronomists, researchers, and others. Farmers have enhanced their productivity, quality, and business with the aid of these top individuals, and there are opportunities to create important alliances and connect with a larger audience.

In the current era, having knowledge of the ways in which social media engages with and sustains agriculture is of utmost importance. It facilitates communication with farmers, enabling social interactions on e-commerce platforms. It may focus on agriculture research and development for the benefit of society. By enabling them to share their expertise, concepts, and innovations with farmers in order to encourage sustainable agricultural practices, it helps to promote agriculture services.

Younger farmers are more likely to support social media use in agriculture. They can share their knowledge, ideas, and information on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and others, as well as like, comment, follow, and be aware of the thoughts of others.

Use of social media in India

India has overtaken China as the most populous country, with 1.41 billion people, and ranks second in terms of internet users, with 933 million users in 2022. Due to the Covid -19 pandemic emergency, internet usage has increased significantly over the past two years.

The most popular social media tools for farmers:

These are the top platforms used by Indians. However, these three platforms are mostly utilized to spread information and awareness, and almost everyone uses at least one of them:

Facebook: One of the most popular social media sites, Facebook, has more than 498 million users in India as of January 2022. You may exchange images, make updates about farm activity, and useful information.

YouTube: 467 million active users in India. This platform is the most effective platform for farmers. Many agriculture-related channels guide farmers about new technology and practices in agriculture.

WhatsApp: With 487 million active users; It is one of the most useful platforms to connect farmers among themselves as well as other stakeholders.


Social media has become an essential tool for agriculture, enabling farmers to connect with specialists and exchange knowledge, information, and ideas that can improve productivity, quality, and business. India has become the world’s most populous country and ranks second in terms of internet users, making the use of social media in agriculture increasingly popular. Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp are the most popular social media platforms for farmers. Social media can also promote sustainable agricultural practices, foster important alliances, and promote agriculture services. It is crucial for farmers to understand the relationship between social media and agriculture so that they can leverage its power to improve their livelihoods and contribute to the development of the agricultural sector.


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