Observation V/s Experiment

                                                               Observation V/s Experiment

Today the world is moving fast on the wheels of technology but the fuel which is driving the vehicle
is information. This information when processed is called data which is collected through the studies
or research carried out throughout the world. Doing study or research to collect the information
plays a very pivotal role but the methods through which research is done is also crucial. Before
starting any study the method of study should be well defined and clear.
The study can be carried out through observations or by experiments. But each method has its own
specialty and advantages which it offers to the researcher during the study.
In an experiment, the researcher will perform some experiments instead of going for observations
whereas when it comes to observational study the researcher simply makes an observation and
arrives at the conclusion. Actually, during the experiments, things are bit manipulated to reach the
conclusion. In an observational study, an experiment is not conducted as the results are based on
the data collected through observations or surveys. It can be said that in the experiment there is
human intervention whereas in the observational study there is no human intervention.
Example: If a person stands at a place and starts noticing the behaviour of the people around, that
will be an observation. But if we manipulate the situation by making somebody cry loudly in the
crowd and then notice how people will behave, that will be called as an experiment. So, there has to
be a dependent and an independent variable on which the experiment will be based upon and
thereafter the inferences will be made. Whereas in observation no variables are introduced, only
situations are analyzed.
So, In an experiment, investigator apply treatments to experimental units (people, animals, plots of
land, etc.) and then proceed to observe the effect of the treatments on the experimental units. In an
observational study, investigators observe subjects and measure variables of interest without
assigning treatments to the subjects. So, there has to be a dependent and an independent variable
on which the experiment will be based upon and thereafter the inferences will be made. Whereas in
observation no variables are required, only situations are analyzed. The treatment that each subject
receives is determined beyond the control of the investigator.
We can say that both the methods take us to the conclusion but the approach is different and these
can be applied accordingly depending upon the need of research.

Manisha Chauhan


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