Bubbles Everywhere

Bubbles Everywhere!!!

Bubbles everywhere! Don’t you feel in everyday life we come across these bubbles at some point in time space. This idea of writing on bubble came into my mind all of a sudden when our market research professor told us about bubble graph. Whether it’s Bubble shoot a video game or an economic bubble or bubble which is a programming language or just a bubble coming out from detergent soup or bubble graph, the word bubble is used with every aspect to make people understand the unknown feature of bubble which is complexity in the structure but flexible to any external change. These bubbles have a strongly built structure which helps them form a beautiful sphere and also they have the capability of bearing excess of tension yet flexible to any change.
Now I would tell you about a very interesting bubble which is bubble graph or bubble chart. Bubble charts are often used in business to understand the relationship between various operational dimensions like cost, value and sale. Bubble charts are very useful graphs for comparing relationship between various variables which are collectively called as dimension. The dimensions are presented as the X-axis data, the Y-axis data, and data represented by the bubble size. It is far better than other tools as you can present 3 different variables in same graph for data collected for long period of time. If bubble size tells us about population in different countries then the bubble with larger size shows highly populated country and bubble with small area shows less populated country.
Studying a portfolio with bubble graph using different dimensions of business relationships can help in making insightful business investment decisions. I hope you find this blog useful. Happy blogging.
-Chirag Bhatia


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