Look on Rural India during this Pandemic

Various articles, various researches, various projects about Corona pandemic’s effect on Indian economy came during this pandemic’s lockdown period.

Have ever anyone worried about rural India? I think very few

Because everyone has an opinion that COVID 19 is present only in metropolitan cities its spreading very rapidly, so lockdown is essential. The above words are true we all accept, with also one opinion that corona doesn’t have any difference like rural and urban. Wherever their negligence for sanitation it will enter there

But The thinkable part here is LOCKDOWN and its effect in Rural areas. Things did not remain the same as earlier, it’s changing

Agricultural labors– many of the workers moved to their original places to avoid rent and food costs. So now large farmers are facing a huge problem in maintaining plantation orchards (tea and coconut orchards mainly), in preparing fields for monsoon, and other agricultural activities

Its season of cowpea and sesame in Southern India, due to lack of labors farmers are depending on family labors. Now its July lakh of Hectares to be ready in monsoon for sowing and lakhs of farmers crying for labors. In this point, we should thank Agri machinery and family labors, at least some of the farmers happy because of those

Rural market – It’s a vast market, having its own significant contribution to our nation GDP. It comprises crores of jobs, hundreds of companies, billions of revenues.

If we see keenly, about this rural market. We can say except farmers lakhs of people became unemployed or they lost the source of income. We may think, who is there other than farmers and farm labors to lose jobs in the rural market.

But yes, there are lakhs of people. Distributors of major companies in rural areas, labors in poultry and dairy units, poly houses, nurseries. There are few poor farmers who live by making flower garlands or selling milk in town areas and making some crafts and selling. All lose their income resources, they can’t go to cities now

Some people used to go to many villages and sell vegetables, plastic items, clothes. Now it is LOCKDOWN, think about them

Youth/ children– before Corona itself children in rural India facing problems to attend Schools because of various issues. Now schools and colleges compelling students to attend classes in online mode. I don’t know how best the primary school students will understand. Already there is a problem with laborers in villages, parents are making those students as family laborers + schools want to start online classes. It’s a bit difficult situation for them too.

Results of a live interview conducted by myself

A farmer from village neatly explained how badly they are facing lockdown

“now things are changed. I used to sell milk in towns by going door by door. Now, police won’t allow and consumers also denying, give statement like safety issues. Now I want to harvest cowpea, I don’t have any alternative other than going for family force. Am taking my grandchildren’s too for fields. Sugar factories are not opened yet, sugarcane in my field already reached the maturity stage, don’t know when labors for cane cutting will migrate back to sugar factories”

Things are looking very smooth from outside. yes, lockdown is good but up to what extent it matters. In our economy each and every industry somehow interlinked with other industries too.so they are depending on Agriculture too. So, government must start some rural and rural market-related policies and schemes during this pandemic so lakhs of people could find means for food.



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