Marketing is all about how to put together the fabricated ideas at the ground level. Once a company launches a product in the market there are so many questions doing errands around like why do some products, services, and ideas catch on while others fail? How by understanding secret science we can add our own products and messages to be successful? Answer to all these questions is simple, strategize in such a way that your content becomes viral i.e., opt for VIRAL MARKETING.

Do you remember the example of Darwin finches, the three important terms that can be deciphered from that are Variation, Selection, and Retention. These 3 are the key ingredients of viral marketing, induce variation in content by making it contagious then design it in such a way that it gets transmitted and at last make sure it applies to our own idea so that gets retained for longer. And this recipe of marketing has been brilliantly used by ‘APPLE’ they have made advertisements in which they have compared laptops with an envelope thus getting people pulled up easily. What they have done is, they have used an analogy to make a simple and contagious content. Even it has been reported that analogy gives an idea of up to 90% rest 10% creates a curiosity gap thus compelling customers to know more about the product.

To drive further one should be equipped with other tools of viral marketing like using the theory of cat content, an advertisement with an unexpected ending, word of mouth, use of social influence to increase the outreach. With such kind of tool, the reach of the product can be increased exponentially. Facts show that word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of any conventionally generated communication. But still, it has been observed that only 7% of word of mouth is online.

In a nutshell, use the social network as a currency and launch in such a way that it seems to be novel and awakens the inner remarkability of the product or brand. Triggering is one of the most important aspects, remember how KitKat increased its sales by relating it to coffee so that whenever a customer goes for a coffee, picture of KitKat will automatically get triggered in his/her mind. Just ponder over a few common advertisements, MAGGI “2 minutes noodles” the tagline that lingers on a customer’s mind and the KISSAN ketchup and jam they are  directly pitching customer’s mind as they are showing their procurement till processing part in a 2 min animated ad and USP is they are evoking customer’s emotions by using a farmer in it. In this way various brands position themselves to be in a win-win situation and it can be clearly seen it all starts with a basic idea because more realistic a product approach is more viral it gets.

Now comes a big question which patterns a company should use to scale up the network so there comes a choice if a product is simple, use SPRINKLER STRATEGY i.e., spread seeds of information in different locations and if a product is complex then use WATERFALL STRATEGY concentrate all marketing efforts in one region.

Looking at the world around us, all sorts of things catch on its just we have to understand that science and art behind it because by understanding it contagious content can be crafted and thus making our product and ideas to be more successful.



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