Snowball Sampling Method

Snowball Sampling Method

Snowball sampling is one of the non-probability sampling method, it is used when the participants or respondents are difficult to find. Sampling is done to collect information or opinion from selected group in order to find about the whole group. The name snowball is given by comparing to a rolling snowball, as the rolling ball collects more and more snow as it rolls and becomes a bigger snowball. Here sampling group will grow like rolling snowball.
ØSnowball method comprises of two stages:
·       Recognize potential individuals in the population. Just a single or two subjects can be discovered at first.
·       Request that those subjects enlist other individuals (and after that request that those individuals to recruit others)
Snowball sampling method used when individuals of a population is difficult to find. A few people might not have any desire to be found. example, if a study on misconduct in exams, shoplifting, prostitution, or some other illegal societal conducts, potential members would be careful about approaching because of adverse effects. Investigation members would likely know other individuals in an indistinguishable circumstance from themselves and could educate others about the advantages of the study and provide them confidence.
Ø  Advantages of Snowball sampling
1. It helps in identifying hidden people from the population
2. It requires lesser money and time for sampling. Planning and people requirement is considerably less when compared to other methods
3. It helps in identifying the people of specific category, like homeless people, drug suppliers etc.
Ø Disadvantages of snowball sampling
1.Population size for sampling can not be known in total
2.sampling can produce inaccurate results is difficult to identify the sampling errors based on obtained populations sample
Types of Snowball sampling
1.Linear: Subject provide information about only one other subject
2. Exponential Non-Discriminative: Subject provide multiple referrals, each referrals provide many more
3. Exponential Descriptive: subject provide many referrals but for sample only one is chosen

                                                                                                             Rakeshgowda R



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