What a blind person needs is not a teacher but another self !!

A person is not blind by his eyes but with his mind and there is nothing in this world that a mind with good intention can not attain. With this intention man has done wonders unimaginable throughout the decades with helping the lesser abled humans with the leisure what normal people  have known. Blind people had to their distress that they could not read what great men wrote on the papers recording the great events in history and what through the decades happened around the globe. As many as we had problems we came up with equally tactical solutions, with the innovation of this distinctive feature of text to speech, a tool with such a power to turn words into perceivable elixir for the visually impaired helped people all over see what we did with the power of our mind and no wonder this was no less than magic. It is often used with voice recognition programmers which is another technological advancement we came up with. Meeting the challenges of getting the everyday challenges for the visually impaired people like getting messages and instructions this feature made life a little less tumbling roll for them. Along with solving the major problem, this feature helped in many other ways like with helping people with learning disabilities. To learn is to have power and with people in search of this kind of power of knowledge that would be life changing, this marvelous feature did with amazement helped people to learn everything they wanted. Also with advancement it was sure to make people busy in today’s world. We don’t have the time in this busy schedule to still learn what we long to learn, so this helped the texts to be converted into speech and listen to it on the go while we tend to our other chores. Learning style of every individual is different doesn’t mean that they are dumb or unable to understand. Respecting that uniqueness and not seeing it as a flaw, text to speech brought them the key which fits them and unlocks further the doors towards knowledge. Man made so many wonders and this even helped them who were differently gifted by god and helped them contribute to this sheer beautiful journey of growth of mankind.



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